Home learning tips and ideas


We thought it might be helpful to have some tips on how to structure your day at home. Nobody expects you to be working with your child from 9am until 3pm. This isn’t practical, and is likely to end in tears – for you and your child!

Regular work will be set and sent home for each child.

Microsoft Teams contact will include Lesson introductions/explanations (larger groups) and smaller group contact for support.

It is our aim to provide this support daily for maths, Literacy and one other curriculum subject.

As a guideline, we would suggest aiming for approximately 45 minutes of both maths and English each day, give or take 15 minutes depending on their age and ability.

When it comes to planning your day, there’s no such thing as a right or wrong schedule.

Some children may work best in short bursts of 15-20 minutes, while others may be suited to a longer more focused session.

Some will want to get all their learning out of the way in the morning, while others may be more alert after a chilled-out morning and lunch.

Despite not having to physically get to school, it’s still a good idea to be up, dressed and ready for the day at 9am. Maintaining a regular waking time and bedtime will help your child stay in a healthy routine.

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