Our School Day

Here is a breakdown of our school day:

o 08:55 – 11:55 (Morning Session)
o 12:10 – 15:10pm (Afternoon Session)

Main School
o 08:50am – 15:20pm

Lunch times
o Nursery 11:45 – 12:15
o Main School 12:00 - 13:00

The school gates are open from 08:40 and close promptly at 08:50.  They are reopened at the end of the day at 15:15 for you to collect your child at 15:20.  Classroom doors are open at 08:45. It is important that children arrive punctually for school. All external doors are secured after 08:50 (children arriving after 09:00 will be marked as late). 


Whole school assemblies take place on a Monday morning and Friday morning. We have phase assemblies Tuesday. Every Wednesday we have phase singing assemblies (Nursery and Reception have in class singing with our specialist teacher every Monday).

School Car Park
The car park is available for school visitors and staff.

As is common practice in most schools, the car park gates will be closed at peak times of the school day 8:40am – 9:05am and 3:05pm – 3:35pm. This is to ensure the health & safety of the school community.

After School Club
We also run a breakfast club that starts at 8:00am and an afterschool club that runs from 3:20 until 5:00pm (half session) or 6:00pm (full session). For further information and availability, please email cabinclub@longfields-primary.org

Thank you for your co-operation

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