School Admissions

School Admissions

Longfields Primary School is a two-form entry primary school with a maximum of 30 children in each class. All admissions into Oxfordshire schools, whether starting school for the first time, in-year transfers or moving on to secondary schools, are dealt with by the Oxfordshire County Council Admissions Team.

Full information can be found on their website


Starting school for the first time (Reception)

Children are eligible to start fulltime at Longfields Primary School in the September after their 4th birthday. Applications for children to join Reception need to be made via The Admissions Team at Oxfordshire County Council generally by a date in mid-January of the year your child is due to start school.



Admissions to the nursery class are administered via our Nursery Team. For further information and to apply for a nursery place please vist the key information page where you will find a link to our waiting list. 

Longfields Nursery is open to children aged 3 and 4 years of age. The aim is to build upon the continuing success of our Reception stage and give children a positive start to school life in a secure and nurturing environment.

Your child can start in the nursery the term following their 3rd birthday, if spaces are available.

  • Autumn Term: September 1st - December 31st
  • Spring Term: January 1st - March 31st
  • Summer Term: April 1st and August 31st

Universal Early Education Funding (15 hours) entitlement starts from the term after your child's 3rd birthday.  We have a limited number of 30 Hour places available;-Families meeting certain eligibility criteria are entitled to apply for a funded Early Years place of 30 hours per week. Information on this entitlement is available at

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