
School Uniform - School Trends

School uniform with our logo on can be purchased from School Trends. All other items are readily available from larger supermarkets and high street retailers. House colour PE T-shirts can be purchased from the school office.

You can order and pay for school uniform online from School Trends by visiting www.schooltrendsonline.com

Simply go to the website address, then select 'Find My School' and follow the order instructions. 

Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.

Longfields School Uniform

All: Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan, white shirt/polo shirt and grey or black trousers or skirt.

We request that all children bring a pair of plimsolls to wear indoors during the school day. This ensures that each child's footwear is suitable for every session.


Boys: Grey/black tailored shorts (same material as school trousers) or trousers with white/blue plain shirt or polo shirt.

Girls: Grey/black skirt or trousers with white/blue plain shirt or polo shirt. Alternatively, blue/white checked or pinafore dress.

During the Summer Term we request that sandals are not worn and that all shoes cover each child's feet. This prevents any playground accidents where exposed feet are easily damaged.

PE Kit

For safety reasons, earrings should be taken out for PE activities. If your child cannot remove their earrings by themselves, then please ensure they do not wear them to school on a PE day.

Children with long hair must ensure it is securely tied before commencing P.E. We suggest that children with long hair have it tied up during the whole school day.

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